Module 1-2 show maps based on a large amount of statistical results [1]. Making avialble all maps and statistics on habitat suitabiity, permeability, funcionality and connectivity for each of the 24 wild reindeer management areas in Norway, and for each of the different seasons (winter, calving, summer), is a challenge.
Here we focus on one of the main results, habitat loss [1,2], and developed a Dashboard to make avaiable all maps and statistics for each wild reindeer managment area and season. This was done on commission from the Norwegian Environment Agency, in support to ongoing management processes, i.e. the classification of all wild reindeer areas (Quality Standards - Delnorm 3A [3]).
By clicking below you'll be redirected to the Dashboard, where you can select the area and season of interest, and see all the maps and statistics related to:
Habitat quality (including habitat loss, human footprint, and naturally unsuitable areas)
Drivers of habitat loss, both grouped into main sectors (tourism, buildings and transportation, hydropower), adn single drivers (e.g. main roads, smaller roads, private cabins, tourist cabins, ski tracks, etc)