ConScape Library

ConScape Library

CONnected landSCAPE

ConScape is an open-source Julia library to compute landscape network-based metrics of habitat funcionality and movement flow.  The tool can be used to estimate functional connectivity, quantify the importance of different areas for landscape suitability and connectivity, and predict movement corridors and paths. ConScape builds upon and bridges the gap between the libraries CONefor CircuitSCAPE. ConScape allows to simultaneously compute connectivity indices (Functional habitat indices, such as the integral index of connectivity and the probability of connectivity from Conefor, and other extensions) and predict connectivity and movement flow (such as Circuitscape). Furthermore, by modeling connectivity using a Randomized Shortest Path algorithm, it can bridge a continuum of connectivity representations, from least-cost paths to random walks.

PLEASE VISIT: www.conscape.org 



See the detailed description below.

Install and get started with Julia

Why Julia? It combines performance, generality, and productivity: the code is nearly as readable as R or Python code, but the performance is like C. This makes it possible to compute connectivity metrics fast, at high resolution on large extent landscapes.

Using an integrated development environment might help a lot (even though this is a user preference):

Install and use ConScape

Once you have a Julia session up and running, you can proceed as following:

It is as simple as that:

  • using Pkg
  • Pkg.add("ConScape")

You only need to do it in the first time you use the library, or when you want to update it to a new version.